The new drug candidate comes from BioInvent´s research programme within the area of apoptosis (programmed cell death) to fight tumour cells

LUND, Sweden | December 5, 2007 | BioInvent is today announcing that it has decided to designate a new clinical drug candidate, BI-505. The new drug candidate comes from BioInvent´s research programme within the area of apoptosis (programmed cell death) to fight tumour cells. The selection of the new candidate means that it can now enter a preclinical development phase, the stage preceding clinical trials.

BI-505 is aimed at the target protein ICAM-1, which is a protein that occurs naturally on the surface of certain cells. In tumour cells the expression of ICAM-1 is elevated and it is therefore a suitable target for a therapeutic antibody. ICAM-1 is a so-called adhesion molecule that is important, among other things, for the immune cells´ ability to penetrate the tissue and fight infections. BI-505 binds to ICAM-1 and induces programmed cell death – apoptosis – and triggers immune effector functions that also help to fight tumour cells. BI-505 has in different blood cancer models proved to be very effective at killing tumours and more effective than existing drugs.

Contrary to current beliefs at the time of the discovery, BioInvent has shown that an antibody therapy aimed at ICAM-1 can induce apoptosis in several types of tumour cells. The Company has applied for patent claiming antibodies against ICAM-1 for their ability to induce apoptosis in different types of tumours such as multiple myeloma, lymphoma and carcinoma.

BioInvent´s intention is, in an initial stage, to treat patients with blood cancer, for example multiple myeloma, with BI-505. Within blood cancer there is a great need for new effective drugs to replace or supplement existing ones. The number of newly diagnosed patients with blood cancer is more than 200,000 per year. The possibility of treating ICAM-1 expressing solid tumours will also be examined further in additional preclinical trials and subsequently in clinical tests later on.

Svein Mathisen, CEO of BioInvent, commenting on today´s announcement, said: "The designation of yet another drug candidate for clinical trials broadens and strengthens our development portfolio. Data from experiments so far, give us strong expectations that this drug candidate will be an important tool to fight serious tumour diseases."




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Notes to editors

BioInvent International AB, listed on The Nordic Exchange (OMXS:BINV), is a research-based pharmaceutical company that focuses on developing antibody drugs. The Company is currently running innovative drug projects within the areas of thrombosis, cancer, atherosclerosis and ophthalmic diseases. In January 2007 the Company announced a major strategic alliance with American-based Genentech, Inc. in the cardiovascular field.

These projects are based on a competitive and in substance patented technology platform. The scope and strength of this platform is also utilised by partners, such as ALK-Abelló, ImmunoGen, OrbusNeich, Sanofi-Aventis, UCB and XOMA.

The Company, which currently has 96 employees, is located at Ideon in Lund.