OSLO, Norway I September 9, 2014 I Serodus ASA (Oslo Axess: SER), today announced the successful completion of a multi-centre Phase IIa clinical study for SER100, an opioid-1(ORL 1, nociceptin receptor) in patients with systolic hypertension

The primary objective of the study was to demonstrate if 10 mg SER100 given twice daily for two consecutive days by subcutaneous injections, was safe and well tolerated. No serious adverse events, no drop-outs and no difference in tolerability between placebo and SER100 were observed.

The secondary objective was to demonstrate if SER100 produced a reduction of systolic blood pressure compared to placebo. SER100 produced a statistical significant and clinically meaningful reduction of systolic blood pressure.

These results confirm the observations from previous clinical studies in healthy volunteers and patients with heart failure.

The SER100 Phase IIa was a multi-national study with participants from Finland, Hungary, United Kingdom and Norway. The study was managed by the CRO, Smerud Medical Research, Oslo, and partly financed by a grant from the Research Council of Norway.

Detailed results will be presented at the capital markets day on 15 September, 2 pm at Hotel Continental, Oslo, Norway. Presentations from the event will be published on the company website (www.serodus.com) after the event.

SOURCE: Serodus