TACOMA, WA, USA I November 11, 2013 I Revalesio Corporation is pleased to announce a new collaboration with noted neurologist Dr. Roland Martin, Head of Neuroimmunology and MS Research at the Department of Neurology, University Hospital Zurich. Dr. Martin will be conducting a Phase IIa clinical trial of RNS60 in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS or MS).  With 30 years experience, Dr. Martin is a recognized leader in the field of neuroimmunology and multiple sclerosis research.

The study will compare measurements of disease activity and progression in patients with RRMS during 6-months treatment with RNS60. The open label study will enroll 15 patients and evaluate the use of RNS60 by intravenous administration compared to patient’s pre-treatment disease activity. The main outcome of the study will be the reduction of inflammatory activity in the brain as measured by Gd contrast-enhacing MRI lesions. Additional measures include progression of disability and biomarkers for RNS60 and general inflammation. The study will be conducted at the University Hospital Zurich in Switzerland and at Innsbruck Medical University in Innsbruck, Austria.

“Our MS development work with RNS60 has been an extraordinary process of discovery and pioneering research,” said Dr. Richard Watson, Revalesio’s Chief Science Officer. “We have published much of our data regarding RNS60’s mechanisms in the pre-clinical models and are pleased to have Dr. Martin as a collaborator and to see RNS60 advance into the clinic for MS.  We are hopeful this study will provide an efficacy signal that demonstrates RNS60’s therapeutic potential and informs future clinical research.”

RNS60 has been tested in numerous pre-clinical models of MS and has shown the ability to halt disease progression by limiting glial infiltration (inflammation in the brain), protecting myelin and enriching the regulatory T-cell (TREG) populations in animals treated with RNS60.  Data from these pre-clinical models can be found in the academic journal PLOS ONE (PLoS ONE 7(12): e51869,  http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0051869;jsessionid=59E12D3CD80B85B6F23408EB2D835666)

About RNS60
Revalesio has pioneered the use of RNS60 as a therapeutic that alters whole cell conductance through effects on voltage-sensing membrane-bound proteins, thereby modulating the activity of G protein-coupled receptors and the secretion of cytokines, chemokines resulting in decreased inflammation and cell death. RNS60 contains charge-stabilized nanostructures (CSN) that are created by subjecting normal saline to Taylor-Couette-Poiseuille (TCP) flow. RNS60 has demonstrated a reduction in inflammatory responses that are linked to numerous diseases, including neurodegenerative, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.

About Revalesio Corporation
Revalesio is a pioneering-clinical stage biomedical company dedicated to restoring hope and transforming lives. Founded in 2000 and based in Tacoma, Washington, Revalesio has partnered with leaders in biomedical research around the world to develop RNS60. Revalesio has an extensive patent portfolio on a novel category of anti-inflammatory products and is advancing the use of CSN in neuro-inflammatory, respiratory, cardiovascular and other inflammatory diseases. For more information about Revalesio, visit revalesio.com ( http://revalesio.com).

About The University Zurich and the University Hospital Zurich:

The University Zurich is the largest university in Switzerland and ranks among the top academic institutions in Europe. Together with its affiliated University Hospital and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich it pursues several large-scale strategic initiatives in the area of biomedicine. The Section of Neuroimmunology and MS Research (nims) at the Department of Neurology is one of the largest MS centers in Switzerland and provides state-of-the art care for all aspects of MS and has a number of core interests in translational and basic research in MS and neuroimmunology. These include studies of the etiology and disease mechanisms of MS and autoimmune diseases in general, its target antigens, dissecting the disease heterogeneity of MS and particularly the development of novel therapies of MS until early proof-of-concept clinical testing.

SOURCE: Revalesio