Changes ahead in the coagulation factor market by new entrants and technologies

Published on: Friday, 14 August 2009 03:22 PM

The worldwide market of recombinant and plasma derived coagulation factors grew to more than US$ 7.5 bln in 2008 and will be fundamentally challenged by over 40 projects in the R&D pipeline

Barcelona, Spain | August 14, 2009 | The Business Intelligence firm La Merie S.L. conducted an analysis of the coagulation factor R&D pipeline and benchmarked the over 50 companies active in the field within their peer group. The study revealed that the total market of recombinant and plasma-derived products of more than US$ 7.5 bln in 2008 will be fundamentally challenged by new players with improved next generation molecules as well as with lower priced molecules without being biosimilars. In contrast to other therapeutic proteins, recombinant first generation coagulation factors VIII, IX and VIIa have not been replaced by longer acting successors right in time before patent expiration. Failure of life cycle management efforts further put at risk future growth rates of product sales. This allows new market entrants to position themselves on the same level as the established marketers. New recombinant coagulation factors, e.g von Willebrand factor, fibrinogen, thrombin and F. XIII are challenging plasma derived products, especially in the field of topically used haemostats as an aid to stop bleeding and tissue sealants for wound healing. As the current generation of novel coagulation factors is focused on modifying half-life, there remains room for further improvement by non-invasive delivery or by reducing immunogenicity.These results and more were found in the search conducted by La Merie Business Intelligence. The report can be acquired at La Merie’s online store ( ).

The report “Coagulation Factors 2009: Target Pipeline and Corporate Benchmark Analysis” analyzes and assesses the target pipeline for each of the coagulation factors used for systemic and topical administration. Companies active in the therapeutic coagulation business are evaluated and the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) in their R&D pipeline benchmarked in the respective peer group. Technologies used for creation of next generation coagulation factors are discussed and assessed. The report identifies strategies to overcome weaknesses in the portfolio and suggests development strategies.

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