Press Room

7 October 2008

Human growth hormone (hGH): biosimilar pricing is not enough, convenience will mandate

After approval of three biosimilar hGH products, the pipeline is full of next generation hGH products with less frequent injection or non-injectable delivery

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10 September 2008

Takeda reigns supreme among Japanese pharma companies

Modest growth rates of 2007 sales by on average 3.2 % YoY reflects challenges imposed by the health care system and an aging product portfolio

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28 August 2008

Emerging diabetes drugs consider beta cell mass and function as an important target

The next generation of diabetes drugs still is focused on metabolic approaches, but activities to preserve or even regenerate pancreatic islet cell mass and function are gaining momentum

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12 August 2008

The third generation of TPO mimetics are again biologics

After failure of 1st generation thrombopoietic growth factors due to immunogencity, the 2nd generation is focused on oral TPO mimetics, now followed by a 3rd generation of engineered biologics with potential for higher potency and efficacy

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7 August 2008

The changing marketplace of antithrombotics: better than cheaper?

Next generation anticoagulant and antiplatelet agents have shown superiority over the current market leaders in clinical studies and are to challenge them before generics

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23 July 2008

Erythropoietins: the shift from biosimilars to “more for less” ESAs

Despite stagnant erythropoietin (EPO) sales, four new EPO products were introduced in Europe during the last year, but the pipeline shifts from biosimilar based approaches to next generation erythropoiesis stimulating agents (ESA)

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28 March 2008

Cancer and TNF antibodies boost Biologics Sales in 2007

Major cancer antibodies and anti-TNF antibodies superseded the erythropoietins from the top position of the best selling classes of Biologics in 2007 facilitated by the US$ currency exchange situation. Sales of major recombinant biologics were US$ 78 bln

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11 February 2008

2008 is a decisive year for the validation of the asthma target interleukin-13

Results of two major phase II studies in asthma expected during 2008 will be a GO/NO GO milestone for the field of interleukin-13 (IL-13) antagonists

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23 July 2007

114 Blockbuster Drugs Accounted for 2006 Sales of US$ 233.7 bln

The best selling blockbuster drug in 2006 was atorvastatin from Pfizer and Astellas Pharma with ww sales of US$ 13.6 bln. Biologics made 23.1 % of the total blockbuster drug sales of US$ 233.7 bln generated by 114 blockbuster drugs…

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30 May 2007

The imminent change of the antithrombotics market

The antithrombotics market with the two blockbusters enoxaparin and prasugrel is challenged by generic products as well as by next generation anticoagulants with oral administration and antithrombotics with an improved risk-benefit ratio

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2 May 2007

Up and down with cholesterol management

Sales of statins have reached a plateau, the imminent decline may be slowed by combination with cholesterol absorption inhibitors; future direction of R&D is focused on increasing HDL cholesterol. Related Competitor Analysis: Cholesterol Management

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25 April 2007

Beyond biogenerics: the real threats for therapeutic proteins

The biogenerics industry consolidates with Indian players emerging in Western countries; pegylation, protein engineering, drug delivery and oral small molecules feed the pipeline of next generation competitors of therapeutic proteins

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