Proteins and Peptides
6 April 2017
XTL Biopharmaceuticals Unveils Expanded hCDR1 Preclinical Data for the Treatment of Sjögren’s Syndrome4 April 2017
ERYTECH Announces Launch of Investigator-Initiated Phase 2 Study of eryaspase (GRASPA®) for ALL3 April 2017
Versartis Reports New Data on Long-Acting Somavaratan in Growth Hormone Deficiency at ENDO 201727 March 2017
ERYTECH Reports Positive Phase 2b Data for eryaspase for the Treatment of Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer24 March 2017
CHMP provides positive opinion for EU label update for Novo Nordisk’s Tresiba® based on data from SWITCH trials22 March 2017
Cue Biopharma Announces Selection of Lead Candidate Cue-101 Targeting Human Papillomavirus (HPV)-Associated Cancers22 March 2017
Novartis provides update on Phase III study of RLX030 (serelaxin) in patients with acute heart failureNews Channels
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