• “Site-specific conjugation by BTG improves the therapeutic index of ADC in vivo
  • “Versatility of Site-Specific Conjugation based on Bacterial Transglutaminase”

October 28, 2014 I Innate Pharma SA (the “Company” – Euronext Paris: FR0010331421 – IPH), the innate immunity company developing first-in-class therapeutic antibodies for cancer and inflammatory diseases, today announced that two posters showing new sets of preclinical data on its new, site-specific conjugation technology (“BTG-ADC”) have been presented at the World ADC Summit, San Diego, CA. The key conclusion of these posters is that ADCs generated by BTG-ADC show an improved therapeutic index in in vivo models compared to ADCETRIS®, one of the two reference ADCs approved by FDA, with a significantly higher maximum tolerated dose (>60mg/kg vs 18 mg/kg) and a higher specific tumoral uptake. Furthermore, Innate Pharma’s BTG-ADC technology is a rapid and versatile process appropriate for generating and testing various linkers and toxins such as PBDs , in high-throughput screening.

Nicolaï Wagtmann, CSO of Innate Pharma, said: “Innate Pharma has developed a technology that allows obtaining rapidly homogenous ADCs based on a minimal change of the manufacturing process. This proprietary technology is highly versatile and can accommodate both existing and future high potency toxins. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that BTG-ADCs are stable in vivo with a lower clearance compared to other available coupling technologies and have a more favorable biodistribution profile leading to an improved therapeutic index”.

Posters are available here below on Innate Pharma’s website in the science & technology/ proprietary ADC technology section.

A presentation of this technology will be held at the upcoming European Antibody congress 2014, in Geneva, November 11, 2014 by Prof. Schibli, ETH-Hönggerberg, scientific collaborator of Innate Pharma, and will be available on Innate Pharma’s website.

SOURCE: Innate Pharma