MECHELEN, Belgium I July 1, 2014 I Mechelen, Belgium; 1 July 2014 – Galapagos NV (GLPG.BR) announced today that GLPG1690, a first-in-class molecule aimed at treating pulmonary diseases, has been dosed in a Phase 1 First-in-Human study. Galapagos will receive a EURO6.6 million milestone payment from Janssen Pharmaceutica NV for this achievement.

The aim of the Phase 1 study is to evaluate the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics of oral single and multiple ascending doses of GLPG1690. The randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, single center study is being conducted in at least 40 healthy volunteers in Belgium. In the first part of the study, single ascending doses will be evaluated. In the second part, the new compound will be administered daily for 14 days.

GLPG1690 has a novel mode of action discovered by Galapagos, with potential application in pulmonary diseases. The mode of action of GLPG1690 is different from that of another novel mode of action clinical compound in the alliance with Janssen, GLPG1205, currently being prepared for a Phase 2A program in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

“The alliance with Janssen has produced a third first-in-class compound to reach clinical development,” said Piet Wigerinck, CSO of Galapagos. “Galapagos continues to deliver novel therapeutics from its unique target and drug discovery engine.”

In 2007, Galapagos announced an alliance agreement with Janssen Pharmaceutica NV providing the option to worldwide, commercial licenses to certain Galapagos internal inflammatory disease programs. These programs include novel targets for inflammatory disorders that were identified and validated by Galapagos using its proprietary target discovery engine. Subsequent Galapagos research led to the discovery of GLPG1690, a first-in-class molecule that entered the clinic for pulmonary disorders. Galapagos is responsible for execution of Phase 1 and Phase 2A studies with GLPG1690.

About Galapagos
Galapagos (Euronext: GLPG; OTC: GLPYY) is specialized in novel modes-of-action, with a large pipeline comprising five Phase 2 studies (two led by GSK), two Phase 1 studies, four pre-clinical, and 20 discovery small-molecule and antibody programs in cystic fibrosis, inflammation, antibiotics, metabolic disease, and other indications. In the field of inflammation, AbbVie and Galapagos signed a worldwide license agreement whereby AbbVie will be responsible for further development and commercialization of GLPG0634 after Phase 2B. GLPG0634 is an orally-available, selective inhibitor of JAK1 for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and potentially other inflammatory diseases, currently in Phase 2B studies in RA and in Phase 2 in Crohn’s disease. Galapagos has another selective JAK1 inhibitor in Phase 2 in ulcerative colitis and psoriasis, GSK2586184 (formerly GLPG0778, in-licensed by GlaxoSmithKline in 2012). GLPG0974 is the first inhibitor of FFA2 to be evaluated clinically for the treatment of IBD; this program has completed a Proof-of-Concept Phase 2 study. GLPG1205 is a first-in-class molecule that targets inflammatory disorders and has completed Phase 1. GLPG1690 is a first-in-class compound that targets pulmonary diseases and is currently in a Phase 1 study. AbbVie and Galapagos signed an agreement in CF whereby they work collaboratively to develop and commercialize oral drugs that address two mutations in the CFTR gene, the G551D and F508del mutation. Potentiator GLPG1837 is at the pre-clinical candidate stage. The Galapagos Group, including fee-for-service subsidiary Fidelta, has around 400 employees, operating from its Mechelen, Belgium headquarters and facilities in The Netherlands, France, and Croatia. Further information at:

SOURCE: Galapagos