Almost 90% Increase in FOXO3 Gene Expression Demonstrated in University of Hawaii Research

HONOLULU, HI, USA I March 28, 2017 I Cardax, Inc. (“Cardax”) (OTCQB:CDXI) and the University of Hawaii (“UH”) announced today that Cardax’s proprietary astaxanthin compound, CDX-085, demonstrated an almost 90% increase in FOXO3 gene expression in mice (p=0.024).

This research was conducted by UH scientists Dr. Bradley Willcox, M.D., Professor and Director of Research at the Department of Geriatric Medicine, John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii (“JABSOM”) and Principal Investigator of the NIH-funded Kuakini Hawaii Lifespan and Healthspan Studies, and Dr. Richard Allsopp, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Institute of Biogenesis Research at JABSOM.

Previously in humans, Dr. Willcox and colleagues discovered genetic variants of FOXO3 in humans that protect against aging (Willcox et al. Proc US Natl Acad Sci 2008).

  • One G allele (GT genotype) – Double the odds to live to 100
  • Two G alleles (GG genotype) – Triple the odds to live to 100

This observation has since been replicated in >20 independent studies. At the American Heart Association Meeting in 2015, it was announced that the protective FOXO3 allele is strongly associated with reduced coronary heart disease mortality (p=0.00001) (AHA Meeting 2015) and later published in the leading gerontology journal (Willcox et al. J Gerontol Biol Med Sci 2016).

“These results augment earlier findings in the C. elegans roundworm, a well-accepted model of aging,” said Dr. Allsopp, “where astaxanthin extended lifespan by 16-30%.”

“All of us have the FOXO3 gene, which protects against aging in humans,” said Dr. Willcox. “But about one in three persons carry a version of the FOXO3 gene that is associated with longevity. By activating the FOXO3 gene common in all humans, we can make it act like the “longevity” version. Through this research, we have shown that astaxanthin activates the FOXO3 gene.”

“This exciting new evidence provides yet another reason for physicians and patients to consider an astaxanthin dietary supplement such as ZanthoSyn as the foundation of an anti-aging, longevity program,” said David G. Watumull, Cardax CEO.

About CDX-085

CDX-085 is the patented active ingredient of Cardax’s second generation product and like its first generation dietary supplement, ZanthoSyn™, delivers astaxanthin to the blood stream with excellent absorption and purity, but in a more concentrated form, allowing higher doses per capsule and improved dosing convenience. Astaxanthin is a safe anti-inflammatory for general health that supports anti-aging and longevity.*

About FOXO3

FOXO3 is a member of the forkhead family of transcription factors. The human homolog in C. elegans, daf-16, has profound effects on longevity (Kenyon et al. A C. elegans mutant that lives twice as long as wild type. Nature 1993). Scientists led by Dr. Bradley Willcox, MD, member of the Cardax scientific advisory board, discovered a genetic variant of FOXO3 in humans that protects against aging (Willcox et al. Proc US Natl Acad Sci 2008). This observation has since been replicated in >20 independent studies. The protective FOXO3 allele (G allele) is associated with longevity with one G allele (GT genotype) doubling the odds to live to 100 and two G alleles (GG genotype) tripling the odds to live to 100. The protective FOXO3 allele is strongly associated with reduced coronary heart disease mortality (p=0.00001) (Willcox et al. AHA Meeting 2015) and the protective FOXO3 allele is strongly associated with reduced serum inflammatory markers (CRP and TNF-α).

About Cardax

Cardax devotes substantially all of its efforts to developing and commercializing safe anti-inflammatory dietary supplements and drugs. Cardax is initially focusing on astaxanthin, which is a powerful and safe naturally occurring anti-inflammatory without the side effects of currently marketed anti-inflammatories. The safety and efficacy of Cardax’s products have not been directly evaluated in clinical trials or confirmed by the FDA.

SOURCE: Cardax