NOSTRA III trial to assess efficacy and safety of Ronopterin (VAS203) in the treatment of moderately to severely injured traumatic brain injury patients

WÜRZBURG, Germany I September 6, 2016 I vasopharm GmbH, a privately held biopharmaceutical company focusing on novel therapeutics for the treatment of cerebrovascular diseases, today announced that the first patient has been enrolled in to the NOSTRA III (NO Synthase in TRAumatic Brain Injury) trial – a phase III clinical trial assessing efficacy and safety of Ronopternin (VAS203) for the treatment of moderately to severely injured closed head traumatic brain (TBI) injury patients.

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the leading cause of death and disability among young adults and occurs when a sudden trauma causes damage to the brain. Every year, over 1,600,000 patients sustain a traumatic brain injury in the EU, and 70,000 of these die, with a further 100,000 being left disabled.

Christian Wandersee, Chief Executive Officer of vasopharm, commented: “We welcome the recruitment of the first patient in to this pivotal phase III trial. The phase III trial is a key test to confirm our belief in the clinical efficacy of Ronopternin (VAS203) and its role in the treatment of moderately to severely injured closed head traumatic brain injury patients and leads us another step closer to bringing a drug for a highly unmet need to market. We believe VAS203 will provide physicians with a real opportunity to improve long-term outcomes for patients with this devastating condition.”

About the NOSTRA III Trial

VAS203 is an investigational Nitric Oxide Synthase inhibitor, which demonstrated statistically significant improvements to both short term (Therapy Intensity Level) and long term (extended Glasgow Outcome Scale, 6 months and 12 months) measures of treatment efficacy in a clinical phase II trial1.

The NOSTRA III European confirmatory multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial is planning to enrol 232 patients suffering from a moderate to severe TBI who are hospitalised and have received an intra-cranial pressure probe. The study is designed to evaluate efficacy and safety of VAS203. In total, 35 European neuro-trauma centres in Germany, Austria, France, UK and Spain will participate in the trial. The intravenous administration of VAS203 will be applied between six and 18 hours after the injury and the infusion period will last for 48 hours. The primary endpoint will be the extended Glasgow Outcome Scale evaluated at six months after the injury. Secondary efficacy assessments include Quality of Life (QOLIBRI) as well as Therapy Intensity Level (TIL) over 14 days after brain injury. Data read-out (final clinical report) of the study is estimated for mid-2019.

SOURCE: vasopharm