MANCHESTER, UK I September 2, 2014 I F2G Limited, the antifungal research and development company today announced a major milestone in the development of its novel IV/ oral systemic antifungal (F901318) with the commencement of a Phase I clinical study. This study initiates the IV Phase I clinical development of F901318 with the oral programme expected to commence in the near future.

F901318 is being developed by F2G to treat invasive aspergillosis and other life-threatening fungal infections and is of a novel class of antifungals acting against a new cellular target. The discovery and development of F901318 represents a major advance in the treatment of serious fungal disease as currently there are very limited treatment options and resistance to existing drugs is becoming a serious problem. F901318 is highly active against all known azole-resistant aspergilli.

Dr Tony Kennedy, F2G’s Chief Scientific Officer said: “We are delighted to commence our clinical development of F901318 based on encouraging preclinical safety and efficacy studies and I look forward to rapidly progressing both our oral and IV programmes.”

Ian Nicholson, F2G’s CEO commented: “F901318 is a significant addition to the antifungal armamentarium as there have not been any new classes of antifungal agents s approved for many years and growing resistance presents a considerable challenge in this seriously ill patient population. We believe that F901318 represents a truly innovative approach in this area and we are dedicated to providing improved treatment options for patients with life threatening aspergillus infections.”

About F2G Ltd: Based in Manchester, UK, F2G Ltd is dedicated to the discovery and development of new and clinically superior drug classes to treat life-threatening systemic fungal infections in at-risk patient populations. The antifungal market is currently estimated at over 6 billion dollars annually and is growing steadily year on year. Market growth is expected to increase with the emergence of new clinical indications in allergies and asthma. The company has impressive internal capabilities, employing a core team of scientists with a unique understanding of the antifungal arena, supported by an experienced management team. For more information visit